What kind of daily meditation can you do to magnify your manifesting ability? The one I share with you today is different than what you might expect, but it is CRUCIAL to helping you to open your heart and mind to receiving!

Today is the fourth and final episode in our four-part series on manifesting. Let’s recap what we have learned so far:


1. The most powerful and magnetic energy is LOVE. The more you can be "in the energy of love," the greater your manifesting ability.

2. Adopting the belief ‘Life Loves Me’ will magnify your manifesting ability.

3. The book Feeling is the Secret recommends falling asleep FEELING that your wish is already fulfilled as the fastest path to manifestation.


In this week’s episode, I will lead you through a type of meditation called ‘spiritual mind treatment’ from the book Life Loves You by Louise Hay and Robert Holden. This meditation is something I recommend you listen to again and again. I won’t tell you much more than that, as I want you to experience the meditation for yourself.

I’d love to hear about your experience with this meditation. Please feel free to leave a comment. I read and respond to ALL comments.

Ps- you can still register for the Divine Love Activation Series by clicking here - https://francesfayden.com/activation/.