Did you know that Magic is rooted in humanity’s oldest religion, shamanism? Or that it was the primary practice of the Euro-Indigenous peoples?

One of the most surprising things I learned from this week’s episode about Magic is realizing I have been practicing magic without even knowing it, and I bet you have been too!

That’s why I am so excited to share this fascinating interview with you with this week’s special guest, Phyllis Curott, author of Spells for Living Well.

Here’s a little information about her: A spiritual pioneer, Phyllis Curott is an attorney, writer and one of America’s first public Witches. Her 5 international best-selling books have been published in 14 languages, making her the most widely published Wiccan author.

Phyllis received the 2018 Service to Humanity Award from the One Spirit Interfaith Seminary and the 2020 Person of the Year Award from Kindred Spirit.  Phyllis was the first Wiccan Trustee of the Parliament of the World’s Religions, and was elected Vice Chair of the 2015 Parliament, creating the Women’s Assembly, and served as the Program Chair for the historic 2021 Parliament attended by Patriarch Bartholomew of the Eastern Orthodox Church and blessed by Pope Francis. Her YouTube series on Wicca has almost 3 million views. Phyllis continues to write, teach, and lecture internationally on the embodied spiritual wisdom of Mother Earth, Nature’s "secret magic" and why the world needs its Witches. 

In this episode, Phyllis will share her journey from lawyer to priestess, and how you can begin to claim your own inner priestess by connecting to the magic of the natural world. We also talk about why now, more than ever, the earth needs all of us to reclaim our ‘inner witch.’

To receive Phyllis’ free gift, A Spell to Live In Harmony, click here - https://www.phylliscurott.com/well


Key Learnings:

Magic and miracles are the same. Both require us to connect to and be open to receiving the benevolent energy that is life.

The word witch is from wicce (pronounced witch-a) which means wise one. Witchcraft, therefore, is the craft of the wise. It includes being a healer, midwife, conductor of ceremonies, interpreter of dreams, and one who is connected to both the spirit world and the natural world. 

Magic is not about manipulating supernatural forces, or Nature, or treating the world like an inanimate vending machine. Magic is not about seek to have power of Creation, or the living beings who live with us, or the forces that make it all work. That approach is un-natural. Cast spells to discover what the wicces knew: Magic is the source that creates, the force that unites, the flow of divine energy into form and form into energy in a regenerating dance that creates and sustains and re-creates life.


“Cast spells as spiritual practices and you’ll discover that all spells are, in one way or another, love spells.” Phyllis Curott


Click here to receive the FREE Gift – A spell to live in harmony

To purchase Phyllis’ book Spells for Living Well, click here

To learn more about Phyllis Curott’s work and teachings, click here

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