Next Episode: Signs From Your Soul

Have ever wondered what it’s like to experience an Ask Your Energy session?

I wanted to give you a chance to see what it’s like, so in this episode, I invited Kristin Lajeunesse, an entrepreneur with whom I have never worked before, to receive a live Energy Coaching session with me.

Like many entrepreneurs, she had questions about how to attract more high paying clients, and how to shift her relationship with money.

In this mini session, we were able to help her shift and have a breakthrough!

If you are entrepreneur who wants to attract more money and clients, but are not sure how, the short answer is to ‘ask your energy.’

Your energy knows exactly what will work for you, and more importantly, what will not work.

Can you relate to the messages she received? Leave a comment and let me know 😊


Key Learnings:

Your energy holds the answers to every question you have. Your path is specific to you, and knowing what to do, and what NOT to do, is the key to moving forward.

If you want to attract higher paying clients, start ‘upleveling’ now. Be an energetic match for those clients even before you have them. That is one way to align your energy with their energy.

To heal your relationship with money, decide for yourself what money means to you. Is it about freedom, choices, generosity? Allow money to magnify what you want it to magnify, and do what you truly desire to do.

“Your energy knows exactly what you need to do be successful, and more importantly, what NOT to do.”

Click here to schedule an Ask Your Energy Session with me. 

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