Is the topic of ‘answered prayers’ mysterious to you? Did you know that YOU have been, and currently are, a channel for answered prayers?

Most of us think prayers are answered in a mystical way, but in my work with Mother Mary, She has shown me that ALL prayers go out into the ‘field of possibility’ and are answered through everyday people like you and me!

In this episode, I will share the very specific way that prayers are actually answered, and how being willing is way more important than being ‘qualified’!


PS- if you want to join me during the eclipse, click here for the next New Moon Holy Spirits Healing Event


Key Learnings:

1. We are ALL connected in this web of life, like one big soul family. It is my personal belief that there is only one of us here, appearing like many. We don’t have to try to be connected, we already are.

2. When someone says a prayer, it goes out into the ‘field of possibility’ and whoever is OPEN and receptive will receive a download that is the answer to that prayer. The Universe does not look for who is qualified, only who is willing.

3. Your heart’s desires are NOT only for you! They are a way for you to become the answer to someone else’s prayer! This is why it is SO important to say yes to your dreams and desires! By doing so, you are answering the prayers of others, every time!

“Prayers are answered through other people. When you say yes to your dream or desire, you become a channel of miracles for others.”


Click here to register for the New Moon Holy Spirits Divine Light Healing

Seeking a metaphysical coach? Click here to schedule a Miracle Meeting with me

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