If you are a lightworker or spiritual entrepreneur, how do you feel about the word ‘ambition?’ Does it make you feel light and happy, or does it have a negative connotation?

Most lightworkers have negative beliefs about money and ambition, which creates an inner conflict around growing their business and sharing their gifts with the world.

In this encore episode, I share words of wisdom from the great self-realized Master, Paramahansa Yogananda, on the best way to spiritualize money and ambition. Yogananda was the first master from India to successfully live in the west, and he was a living example of how to combine the spirituality of the east with the efficiency of the west. I hope his wisdom inspires you to overcome your limiting beliefs and share your much-needed light.

Looking for help to break through your limiting beliefs? Click here to schedule a Miracle Meeting with me.


Key Learnings:

Lightworkers and Spiritual Entrepreneurs hear negative messages about money and ambition. This creates inner conflict in growing your business, which means you aren’t able to help as many people as your soul is calling you to do.

Paramahansa Yogananda said “We cannot live happily by spiritual sustenance alone nor by material prosperity alone. It is only by having ambition and crowning that ambition with the idea of service to others, either by helping them individually or by working for some great cause, that you will find a spiritual reason for making money for yourself and others. To help others to help themselves also spiritualizes ambition. An almighty power has linked us all together. Whenever you help others you are helping yourself.”

Every great saint who lived in a mountain cave was eventually called down to share the gifts of his or her attainment to help others. Our lives are not meant to be one-sided; we are here to help each other. The only question we need to ask ourselves is “what is my motive?” If the motive is to make a difference and help more people, you needn’t worry.


“To help others to help themselves spiritualizes ambition.” Paramahansa Yogananda


Looking for help to break through your limiting beliefs? Click here to schedule a Miracle Meeting with me. 


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