Do you know the four types of prayers that Mother Mary recommends? Of course, ALL types of prayer are wonderful, but there are four specific types of prayers that are especially beneficial.

These four types of prayers are: asking, receiving, invoking and prayers of the heart. Each one of these types of prayers brings its own gift, but they also build on one another!

In this episode, I will explain the four types of prayers that Mother Mary recommends in more depth, and the TRUE purpose of deepening your prayer practice.

Do you have a favorite type of prayer? I would love to know what it is!

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Key Learnings:

There are four types of prayer that Mother Mary wanted me to share with you. Although there are an infinite number of ways to pray, these four are the ones I will be teaching in the Pray Like a Priestess Program

The four types of prayer are asking, receiving, invoking and prayers of the heart. Each one is so important, as they all build on each other.

The goal of deepening your prayer life is to be in a continuous state of communion with the Divine. To do this, pray from your heart, not your head.


“The goal of deepening your prayer life is to be in a continuous state of communion with the Divine. To do this, pray from your heart, not your head.”


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