Do you know what a paradigm is? And why it is SO crucial to change your paradigm to change the results in your life?

Here is a definition from the forward of the book I am reviewing today: “A paradigm is a mental program in your subconscious that has almost exclusive control over all your habitual behavior. Paradigms are the way you view yourself, the world and opportunity. They are how your approach change and challenges.”

Once you begin to change your paradigm, your entire view of life will shift!

In this episode, I share ideas from this powerful book to help you begin to shift your paradigm and tap into all the energy you need to achieve your desires!

Ps- if you want the link to the book or a FREE 30-day trial to Audible, click here for the show notes.


Key Learnings:

A paradigm is a collection of beliefs that form your perception of yourself, of life, and of what is possible for you. Without changing your paradigm, it is very difficult to achieve lasting results that differ from your current reality.

Repetition is what created your paradigms. Many are passed down to you, genetically and through your ancestors. The good news is that you are not limited to your genetics or the beliefs and experiences of your ancestors. You can change!

Some of the key things that Bob Proctor did to change his paradigm, and his life experience are: read good books, listen to good recordings, get tutored by excellent people, choose your mentors, do not mix with people who are not working on goals and never hang around people who complain.


“You don’t GET energy; you release it through desire. When you’ve got a desire, you have the energy to do it!” Bob Proctor


Click here to purchase Change Your Paradigm, Change Your Life by Bob Proctor

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