Are you a bit skeptical about ‘prosperity prayers?’ Have you tried them in the past and didn’t see results?

I admit I was skeptical too. Prayer is so personal, how can one person’s prayer work for someone else? The truth is there is no secret prayer, like ‘abracadabra’ that magically brings you prosperity. But there IS a simple and powerful prayer that sets the stage for greater prosperity!

In this episode, I will share the simple prosperity prayer that my coach taught me, and why I find it SO helpful. I will also share the way I have been saying it and the miraculous results I have had, and how you can start to make this prayer your own.

Does this prayer resonate with you? I would love you to try it for a week, and let me know what happens!


Key Learnings:

There is no prayer that works for all people, no magic words like ‘abracadabra’. But that does not mean that prayers don’t work. The goal of prayer is to change YOU, and if a prayer can do that, it is a powerful prayer!

This simple prosperity prayer works because it automatically puts you in a receptive state! That is the key to receiving more. And it also releases the control and allows the Universe to reveal even more to you than what you could ask for. That is what makes it miraculous.

Here is this simple prayer: “Divine Mother, show me how good it can be.”

“The best prayers don’t change your life, they change YOU.”


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