Wedding season is right around the corner, and love is in the air! It’s a beautiful time in life and one to be cherished for sure, but what a lot of young lovers don’t realize is that their wedding lasts only for a day and marriage lasts a lifetime…or at least we hope. Now that we have a couple of years of marriage under our belt, we wanted to share some things that we wish we knew before we said our vows. These are things that we believe would have helped save us from many arguments, stress and conflict especially in our first year of marriage. Even though we are incredibly happy together, we still have a lot to learn and work on if we want to keep it that way.



1:15 Welcome banter

3:55 Start of topic

6:10 Premarital counseling

8:19 Love is not enough

11:46 Learning to be a better communicator

16:14 Apologizing correctly and forgiveness

21:30 Getting to know in laws before marriage

25:55 Defining your roles in marriage

32:45 Everything you do impacts your spouse

36:28 Marriage takes work