Happy Halloween! What a fun holiday, filled with candies, costumes, monsters, ghouls and ghosts. In this spooky special, we share our personal experiences and encounters with the paranormal and supernatural. Grab some treats, turn off your lights and join us for some scary stories just like when we were kids. 


0:00 Intro

1:10 Welcome banter

2:38 Trick or treating

7:32 Start of topic

8:08 Haunted buildings

12:48 Grandma’s ghost stories

15:27 Bloody bride

19:13 Scary movies

21:00 Sixth sense

23:02 Creepy houses

29:04 Alone after work

35:56 Fight or flight

37:27 Ouija board

40:31 Chinese ghostbusters

41:51 Guardian angels

44:56 Ghost biker

51:02 Not a coincidence

53:21 Free night at haunted hotel

54:35 Poltergeists

57:53 Horror movies

1:00:05 Cursed dolls & trinkets

1:05:12 Haunted by the past

1:07:39 Takeaways & lessons learned