Previous Episode: #39: You Are Not Alone
Next Episode: #41: George Basil

  Episode #40 of the show has Rebecca Robles in the studio and with her she brings immediate laughter. Host and teammate from The Boss, Louis Kornfeld, speaks with Rebecca about the romantic nature of engaging with things that you weren’t around for, like antiques and old music, and they chat about how jumping into an external character can remind you of who […]

The post #40: Rebecca Robles appeared first on Magnet Theater.


Episode #40 of the show has Rebecca Robles in the studio and with her she brings immediate laughter. Host and teammate from The Boss, Louis Kornfeld, speaks with Rebecca about the romantic nature of engaging with things that you weren’t around for, like antiques and old music, and they chat about how jumping into an external character can remind you of who you are internally. Always a hustler with the best of intentions, Rebecca tells us about her variety talk show, The Rebecca Robles Show and assures us that we are not alone in this world. PLUS! Playing with The Boss, David Letterman’s influence, secrets about Armando Diaz, a shoutout to Matt Antonucci (<3), and Rebecca reveals her unused bit for The Maggies. Tune in to hear it all!

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The post #40: Rebecca Robles appeared first on Magnet Theater.