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It’s our pleasure to share this intense and hilarious archive conversation with Dave Razowsky and Ed Herbstman recorded live at Magnet Theater. Alex Marino asks the right questions and doesn’t get any of the answers he wanted.  Neither does the audience when it’s opened up to questions at the end.  A fun listen to be […]

The post #14:Dave Razowsky (with Ed Herbstman) appeared first on Magnet Theater.

It’s our pleasure to share this intense and hilarious archive conversation with Dave Razowsky and Ed Herbstman recorded live at Magnet Theater. Alex Marino asks the right questions and doesn’t get any of the answers he wanted.  Neither does the audience when it’s opened up to questions at the end.  A fun listen to be sure. Ed particularly seems to be enjoying himself, perhaps because Razowsky was his first improv teacher back in 1990 when he was in high school.

Catch master teacher Dave Razowsky next time he’s in NYC teaching at Magnet, and be sure to see Razowsky, Herbstman and Hamilton, which is really really good.  Rachel Hamilton is the woman in the photo.  She’s really really good.



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The post #14:Dave Razowsky (with Ed Herbstman) appeared first on Magnet Theater.