The Matrix reality is a dull one that so many subscribe to as the ONLY reality.

This 3rd-dimensional outlook dictates that:
Life is hard. There's not enough. You aren't worthy. You have no power. Life just happens. You can't make a difference as one individual. You are to spend your whole life working as a cog in the system because that is normal and "That's just the way it is."

That is one reality. You can choose that if you so wish... But I encourage you to opt-out. To forge your own path. To question reality. To find your own truth & to give yourself permission to change your mind around what you have previously accepted about yourself, your life and the world in general.

Bottom line is... your beliefs are creating your reality.
Do your beliefs support you? 
OR Do they disempower you & make you live your life from a place of fear rather than love?

We all have the power to become so much more. But power is a choice that must be made consciously... Otherwise, we are just running off of unconscious programs that are designed to keep us small.

You are not a small, insignificant, powerless being... You are the Creator.

Follow me on Instagram: @briarly_
