I am very happy to share with you another recording from our "7 Year Anniversary of Magician On Duty" that was hosted in Berlin at Klunkerkranich this past September!

This time around, introducing "Null" (@nullmusik)

When Pierre and Hadri first embarked on their musical journey, the equation of 1+1 magically resulted in the harmonious resonance of 2. Armed with a solitary mouse and a lone keyboard, these two friends engaged in sporadic jam sessions within the confines of their Berlin studio.

Amidst the hustle of one immersed in work and the other grappling with a diminishing faith in humanity, two distinct paths converged, creating a dual void where something indispensable was amiss. As the world paused, and the relentless ticking of the clock came to a standstill, Null emerged from the stillness.

Pooling together their diverse influences, they forged a project that breathed life back into the spirit of freedom. A fusion of their creative energies mirrored a matrimonial union, finding solace and unity in the embodiment of Zero, or as they lovingly named it, Null.

Henceforth, in the symphony of their shared artistic pursuit, the simple arithmetic of 1+1 gracefully dissolves into the enigmatic equation of null, symbolizing the inseparable union of their creative souls.

Follow Null here: