Welcome back to the Magician On Duty Journey Series!

On this edition we welcome Nepomuk (@nepo_muk)

Here are a few words from the artist:

Creating this set took me longer than usual. I just wanted it to be special and a bit different from all the others I’ve done in my life but still with kind of a signature of me. So it wasn’t easy to find the right atmosphere and mood for it. In the end I’m really satisfied with the result and hope that you all will enjoy this journey as much as I did.

It contains some special tracks that I've wanted to put together in a set for a long time Special thanks to all the great artists out there who are creating this beautiful music I used for this podcast!

Thank you so much Adrian for inviting me to be part of your “Journey – Series”. I’m really honored!

I also wanna thank Kerosino (https://soundcloud.com/kerosino) for the mastering! <3

I hope you will enjoy this episode as much as I did!

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