Welcome back to the Magician On Duty Journey Series!

On this edition we welcome nΦra (@einfachnora)

Here are a few words from the artist:

When my journey as a Dj started, my sound was a combination of smooth and melodic. Over the time I developed a more driving and spheric sound which I am now known for.

I always want to take you on a journey which is when I am playing in front of a crowd powerful and other times when I am recording a podcast more dreamy.

While recording this set, I wasn't thinking about creating something thats gonna be published. I just wanted to do, what I love the most. Making music and creating something that reflects my feelings at this moment. So I named this set love&joy, because that's what I felt in this beautiful 1 and a half hours.

I hope you enjoy listening and maybe you'll also feel some of the love and joy that I put in this set and that came back to me while doing it.

Follow nΦra here: