Here is a cut from my recorded set from Sunday morning closing set at Incendia for Love Burn 2020. As most of you know by now, I am a big believer in playing music in the moment, for the moment, and the environment that I am in.

"Incendia is a mobile, modular artistic installation and interactive event space designed to create a unique and awe-inspiring experience for all those who enter. Mesmeric, immersive spaces melding the worlds of art, engineering, and science through the pursuit of enthralling fire and stage design."

Every since I experienced Incendia at Burning Man 2019, I was immediately drawn to it. The concept, the design, the fire and more. I got on the decks around 2 AM and throughout my set, there was a fire spinning exhibition that took my breath away. More than a dozen incredible artists were showcasing their talents while I was playing.

It goes without saying that it was an incredible honor to be able to share the gift of music with everyone at Incendia, and I am grateful for the opportunity.

I hope you enjoy this set as much as I did.

With much love,


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Official Burning Man Regional Event Love Burn: