In this episode, Brad teams up with Jamie King to talk about Bitcoin vs. Fiat and other relevant topics in our times. Jamie is a filmmaker, a podcast host, and an early and huge fan of the peer-to-peer concept. His 2006 film: Steal This Film is a documentary pushing back against the concept of intellectual property and a promotion of peer-to-peer distribution. As someone who was always a proponent of peer to peer way before Bitcoin, Jamie provides a fascinating take on his discovery and journey with Bitcoin. Plus, what's up with these modern monetary theorists, and how did Trump rise? Also, it's time to completely re-imagine how you view money (hint: as commanding power). Tune in for these and more. 


00:00:00 - Intro by Brad 

00:03:16 - Brad on his podcast's name and Real Vision's crypto series 

00:13:39 - Discussion on deceiving mainstream media narratives 

00:15:16 - Why do we need the state? And re-conceptualizing money

00:21:43 - Modern monetary theorists and the corruption of money printing 

00:28:16 - Bitcoin gives you liberty 

00:33:47 - Why Bitcoin is like a Tesla car 

00:34:38 - Jamie's exciting discovery of Bitcoin 

00:41:54 - Jamie's YouTube show, Charles Manson, NXVIM cults, Qanon, Trump, and more

00:58:58 - Delving into Marxism, capitalism, socialism, and corporatism

01:17:19 - Brad on his movie, Jamie on VODO, and his Steal the Show Podcast 

01:33:01 - Jamie's amusing story on how he almost became uber-rich

01:36:01 - Why you should care about privacy and encryption 

Podcast Mentions

Real Vision's crypto series 

Money theorist Stephanie Kelton

Jamie King's Schism show

Wireguard (for privacy)

Charles Manson and NXVIM cults

The Road to Ruin by James Rickhart

Find Jamie King:

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Steal This Show Podcast

Jamie's YouTube

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