This episode was recorded on April 23, 2023

In this episode, Brad is joined interviews David Bailey for a discussion on the ethical complexities within the cryptocurrency landscape. They tackle the tensions between libertarian values and the reality of Ponzi schemes that sometimes tarnish the industry's reputation. The conversation delves into the difficult questions surrounding the endorsement of Bitcoin while steering clear of passing moral judgments on competing cryptocurrencies.

The duo examines strategies to surpass unethical crypto practices, drawing comparisons to Uber's success in revolutionizing transportation. They address the network's evolution, focusing on solutions like the Lightning Network and the emerging RGB protocol, which NFT developers are finding appealing for its cost efficiency.

Moreover, Brad and David delve into the dynamics of the Bitcoin community, the delicate balance between inclusivity and toxicity, and the importance of setting an exemplary standard without alienating newcomers. The discussion points to a story of growth and transformation within Bitcoin over the past decade, emphasizing the shift from mere speculation to significant adoption and mindshare expansion.

Lastly, the discussion sheds light on the potential repercussions of the Bitcoin Magazine's decision to support Ordinals and the controversial yet innovative steps taken within the industry. As they navigate these multifaceted issues, Brad and David maintain a focus on the pivotal role that Bitcoin plays in the current and future financial systems.


[00:03:53] Worked in crypto, saw innovation, saw scams.

[00:10:06] Spending on real things sustains market growth.

[00:12:03] Realized misguided investment, believed in Bitcoin.

[00:16:21] Former Swan employee enters NFT bubble successfully.

[00:24:02] Struggle with Bitcoin, libertarian values, and regulations.

[00:26:54] People resist moralizing money in crypto space.

[00:34:10] Tech entrepreneur shifted focus, embracing social impact.

[00:40:02] Supporting larger blocks was good for business.

[00:45:29] Maintain humility, pursue ego death, push bitcoin.

[00:48:48] Bitcoin's future open to all perspectives.

[00:57:41] Bitcoiners may turn against Ordinals, causing conflict.

[01:03:58] Bitcoin embodies religion, social consensus and layers.

[01:09:37] Limiting NFTs to Bitcoin caused user friction.

[01:10:31] NFT user experience needs improvement, FOMO influence.

[01:19:42] Bitcoin pleb advocates for inclusive, open industry.

[01:23:37] Bitcoin conference needs better self-custody promotion.

[01:26:53] UTXO Management drives GBTC investment forward.

[01:31:39] Grayscale engaged in unethical tactics with trusts.

[01:40:14] Interest rates likely to drop, affecting markets.

[01:42:23] Resistance to Bitcoin shifting as relevance recognized.

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