This week, Amina Altai (, joins us for a beautiful and indulgent conversation around running an intuition-led business and guiding others how to do the same. We talk about:

autoimmune disease and burnout
becoming a holistic leadership and mindset coach,
being a high performer in corporate America who was just chronically unhappy.
tuning into ones own body and really eating intuitively
coping with ancestral scarcity
lineage of fear and limiting beliefs
being comfortable in the uncomfortable
healthy transformations and tapping into abundance
human Design
ancestral activation through our DNA
running business based on intuition
a thought on the existence of good and evil
amina’s experience with past life regression

Meet Amina:

Amina is a leadership and mindset coach to high-achieving women who are ready to take their work and lives to the next level. As a coach to notable female leaders and impact-driven celebrities, Amina works deep and fast to make your careers, businesses and lives feel truly aligned. She helps you break free of people pleasing, perfectionism and poverty mindset to claim your purpose, find peace, power, and prosperity. She's been called the "fairy godmother of careers" and has been featured in Goop, is an expert in residence for Entrepreneur, NBC and more. If you're ready to feel free, to release perfectionism and imposter syndrome and connect to your purpose, schedule a free clarity call with Amina when you use the code MagicInclined ($150 value). Email [email protected] to schedule your session.

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