This week, Acharya Shunya, ( joins us for a beautiful and indulgent conversation around Sovereignty and the power of light.

We talk about:

achrayas vedic lineages
women’s involvement in the vedas
Rishikas who authored the vedas
Women leaders and spiritual gurus
How the patriarchy took over
About the sovereign self
Tragedy that awakened her inner spiritual teacher
Going beyond learning into feeling
Using ancestral knowledge
Waiting 20 years to taking on her first spiritual student
Living the wildest and happiest version of oneself
Shadow work and victim culture
Lot part of ourself is the biggest part
Spiritual bypassing
Vetting a spiritual teacher

Meet Acharya Shunya:

Acharya Shunya is a highly sought after international speaker known for her rich insights on empowering personal health and elevating human consciousness. She is the first female lineage-holder from an ancient line of Vedic spiritual teachers from northern India. She was groomed in the study of Vedic scriptures for 14 years, by her grandfather and guru, Baba Ayodhya Nath, and chosen amongst multiple male candidates as the first female spiritual leader of the lineage at the age of 24.

Acharya Shunya's first book, Ayurveda Lifestyle Wisdom was a number one bestseller for 14 weeks! Her next book, Sovereign Self , Claim Your Inner Joy and Freedom with the empowering wisdom of the Vedas, Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads was recently released on December 29th, 2020.

Acharya Shunya is a sought-after speaker, delivering keynote addresses to audiences that include the National Ayurveda Medical Association, University of California, Berkeley, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Stanford University, Sedona Yoga Festival and 1440 Multiversity. She also serves as an advisor to the Indian Government in matters pertaining to global integration and cultivation of Ayurveda and Yoga.

To connect with Shunya, please visit:

Purchase The Sovereign Self:

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