The Rowdy Party has been reunited, but a new opponent has made itself known. Y’all ready for this? Liz Burton guest stars in this special episode! 

You can follow Liz on twitter at @thepigeonwizard and their podcast, Dungeons, Dice, & Everything Nice @dungeonsdice.

[Content Warning: This episode contains blood and bodily injury (throughout 00:06:35 - 00:18:36), mentions of death (throughout), body horror (00:01:17 - 00:01:22, 00:27:02, 1:28:25 - 01:32:34, 01:33:14 - 01:33:32), alcohol consumption (throughout from 00:36:29 - 00:55:33 and 00:59:49 - 01:00:26), jokes about sex (00:48:45 - 00:49:10, 00:51:25 - 00:51:35, 01:34:24 - 01:34:36, 01:36:14), record scratch sound fx (01:37:47)