Terry Robinson chats with Josh Heath, COO of High Level Games and host of Werewolf: The Podcast discuss the occult; how different game lines in World of Darkness handles the occult; the Eldritch horrors of H.P. Lovecraft; Aleister Crowley’s Thelema and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn; the Yazidis; Neo-Paganism; occult understanding vs occult knowledge; Orders within the World of Darkness most associated with the occult; secrets and mysteries; initiatory magic; expressions of the occult in Vampire: The Masquerade; the Sabbat; the Cain and Abel/vampire paradox; the Tremere; Vaulderie and Quintessence; Nephandi; Guide to the Sabbat: A Sourcebook for Vampire the Masquerade; Mudang; RPGs as storytelling and LARPs as theatre; “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law;” yoga as an occult practice; hidden knowledge; wisdom passed down in lineages; mystery cults bearing the hallmarks of the occult; Jack Tripp; Opus Dei; Sufism; Kabbalah; the Wyrm; Gnosticism; street level occultism; the Arcanum; rituals in society and rituals in occult; Snowhaven.

Books to read to further your occult knowledge:

The Mystery-Religions
Three Books of Occult Philosophy