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Next Episode: Maestro 024: Spring

The Sixteen, Harry Christophers

from "Monteverdi: Selva morale e spirituale, Vol. 1"

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Without doubt, Monteverdi was the greatest of the early baroque European composers. He revolutionized the music of the theater and the church by his dramatic and imaginative use of voices and instruments and by his daring harmonies and rhythms. Next to his Vespers of 1610, the Selva morale e spiritual of 1641 is his most significant and virtuosic collection of sacred music. Over the next few years we intend to record the complete publication with a variety of forces. His much performed Beatus vir is a mere appetizer for this delightful yet thrilling music.

BYU Men's Chorus

"Goin' Home" (mp3)
from "The Pilgrim's Journey Home"
(Tantara Records)

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Lift your spirits with a brand-new collection of inspirational folk hymns and songs. Although life may be difficult, the youthful and energetic voices of the BYU Combined Choirs and Orchestra will inspire and strengthen you on your own journey home.

Florilegium & Arakaendar Bolivia Choir, Ashley Solomon

"Fuera, Fuera! Haganles Lugar!" (mp3)
from "Bolivian Baroque Vol. 3"
(Channel Classics Records)

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Welcome to our third volume of Bolivian Baroque music which was, unusually, recorded in three different venues, in two different countries almost 6250 miles apart. This time the majority of the CD was recorded in Holland (in both the Waalse Kerk in Amsterdam and the Doopsgezinde Kerk in Deventer) during Arakaendar Bolivia Choirís first tour of Europe with Florilegium in 2008. In addition we have included a number of solo organ pieces from the Bolivian archives which James Johnstone recorded on the restored anonymous 18th century Blockwerk organ in the Mission Church of Santa Ana de Velasco. This is the first European recording on this remarkable instrument, its raw sound recorded here for posterity.

The music on this volume differs considerably from the other two Channel Classics recordings (CCS 22105 & CCS 24806) as it mainly showcases Arakaendar Bolivia, the choir I set up in 2005. They continue to thrive and have shown tremendous commitment and determination in preparing this challenging and varied programme. We were delighted to be nominated by BBC Music Magazine for the best choir recording of 2008 for our last CD recording, as well as receiving our 5th Editorís Choice from Gramophone magazine. I hope this new volume is received as warmly.

The Choir of St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh, Duncan Ferguson

"Leroy Kyrie" (mp3)
from "John Taverner: Sacred Choral Music"
(Delphian Records)

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John Taverner brought the English florid style to its culmination and final flowering; his music is quite unlike anything written by his continental contemporaries and, viewed retrospectively, represents not only the culmination of one period but also the beginning of something new.
In his debut recording with the critically acclaimed Edinburgh choir, Duncan Ferguson presents this music with forces akin to those of the sixteenth century ñ a small group of children and a larger number of men. The singers respond with their characteristic freshness, and an emotional authenticity born of the daily round of liturgical performance.

Johann Sabastian Bach: Motets
Vocalconsort Berlin, Marcus Creed

from "Johann Sebastian Bach: Motets"
(Harmonia Mundi)

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Album will be availble online around March 22, 2011

The Vocalconsort Berlin was founded in 2003 and made its debut the same year in Monteverdi's LíOrfeo under the direction of RenÈ Jacobs at the Innsbruck Festival. The ensemble specialises in early and high Baroque repertoire, but also interprets Romantic and contemporary music.
The Vocalconsort¥s composition can range from quartet to polychoral formations, including also solo performances. It sings both in concert and in operatic and theatrical productions.
Under the direction of Marcus Creed, RenÈ Jacobs, Jos van Immerseel and Ottavio Dantone, the ensemble has worked with the Akademie f¸r Alte Musik Berlin and the Accademia Bizantina. With the Akademie f¸r Alte Musik Berlin, it has participated since 2006 in the projects of Sasha Waltz & Guests at Radialsystem V, the new venue for interaction of the arts on the Spree.

Marcus Creed, artistic director of the SWR Vokalensemble (South West German Radio Choir) since 2003, studied at Kingís College Cambridge, Christ Church Oxford, and at the Guildhall School of Music in London. From 1977 to 1998 he lived in Berlin, where he was chorusmaster at the Deutsche Oper, taught lied interpretation at the Hochschule der K¸nste, and worked as pianist and conductor with the Gruppe Neue Musik and the Scharoun Ensemble. From 1987 he was artistic director of the RIAS Kammerchor, being awarded many international prizes for his recordings. He has formed close working relationships with the Akademie f¸r Alte Musik Berlin, the Freiburger Barockorchester and Concerto Kˆln, and has appeared at festivals in Berlin, Vienna, Salzburg, Montreux, Edinburgh, Lucerne, Innsbruck, Donaueschingen, Strasbourg, and Gˆttingen. He was appointed Professor of Choral Conducting at the Hochschule f¸r Musik in Cologne in 1998. His recordings of works by Bruckner, Ives, Nono, and Kurt·g with the SWR Vokalensemble have received a number of awards from the critics.