harmonia mundi France
harmonia mundi was born in 1958 in Paris. In 1986 the group moved to Arles France, where they are still headquartered today. This group has always been known for their support for independent artist and classical music. Additionally they have been growing recognition for various sections within the publishing business.

Olga Kern

"Piano Sonata No. 3, Op. 58" (mp3)
from "Chopin: Piano Sonatas Nos. 2 & 3"
(harmonia mundi)

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Frederic Chopin's Piano Sonatas No.2 ("Funeral March") and No.3 are the product of the composer's maturity and boundless invention. Here they receive incandescent performances by the 2001 Cliburn Competition gold medalist Olga Kern.

Olga Kern

Javier Perianes, Javier Perianes (piano)

"Sonata no.1 in C minor" (mp3)
from "Blasco de Nebra: Piano Sonatas"
(harmonia mundi)

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Javier Perianes invites us to discover the keyboard works of a composer who, like himself, was a native of Andalucia : the heir to Scarlatti in many respects, Blasco do Nebra magisterially combined his own natural heritage with the forms imported by the Hispano-Neapolitan composer. The sonata and pastorales presented on this disc shed light on the multiple facets of his creative genus, alas cut short all too soon: he died at the age of just thirty-four.

Javier Perianes

Paul Lewis, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Jirí Belohlávek

"Piano Concerto No. 4 in G major, Op.58" (mp3)
from "Beethoven: Complete Piano Concertos"
(harmonia mundi)

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His complete set of the Beethoven sonatas enjoyed extraordinary acclaim in the UK, culminating in the prestigious 'Recording of the Year' award from Gramaphon magazine for the fourth volume in 2008. Encouraged by what has now become a worldwide success, Paul Lewis has chosen to turn his attention to the five piano concertos with these distinguished partners. Recorded between July 2009 and March 2010, these interpretations paint a portrait of Beethoven full of light and shade.

Paul Lewis