Ten long years! That’s how long /r/asoiaf has been around! Come join Bookshelfstud, Jen_Snow, JoeMagician and very special guest ThePowerOfGeek/Andrew, /r/asoiaf founder, as they walk down memory lane together. Through good times and bad, in wind and snow and hail, the mods have held their posts at the Wall. Here’s to another 10 years! https://ia801508.us.archive.org/2/items/episode20tenthanniversaryspecial/Episode%2020%20-%20Tenth%20Anniversary%20Special.mp3… Continue reading MM20 Tenth Anniversary Special →

Ten long years! That’s how long /r/asoiaf has been around! Come join Bookshelfstud, Jen_Snow, JoeMagician and very special guest ThePowerOfGeek/Andrew, /r/asoiaf founder, as they walk down memory lane together. Through good times and bad, in wind and snow and hail, the mods have held their posts at the Wall. Here’s to another 10 years!




iTunes – https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/podcast-maester-monthly/id1203795633

Google Play – https://play.google.com/music/listen?t=Maester_Monthly&u=0&view=/ps/Ixilnkiljnht53dc3eotuvfa7oq

Stitcher – https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/maester-monthly

Wordpress – https://maestermonthly.wordpress.com/

Twitter – https://twitter.com/MaesterMonthly

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/maestermonthly

-==And As Always…==-

– As always, we make NO MONEY from this project, either from ads or patreons. You can pay us in upvotes and high-fives.

– If you liked the cast: please take a few minutes out of your day to leave us a review on iTunes! This is the main way listeners find us on iTunes, and we really do want to know what you think!

– Hefty shoutout to Sam R for all of our intro, outro, and incidental music as well!

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