Previous Episode: Diwas Gurung
Next Episode: Yanchan

The journey continues on Maed in India’s Our Neighbours 2021, as we head to our island neighbours down south! Say hello to R&B/funk/soul/jazz band from Colombo, Unscripted, made up of brothers Shamika and Saveen Makalanda, along with Steven Shera, Charith Fernando, Malitha Dee and Prashan Bastianz. On this episode, Mae chats to Saveen and Charith about their origins in the Sri Lanka metal scene, how the band got together, mosh pits at jazz gigs, and, of course, the burning question of our time - "Is it safe outside?" - which is the name of their latest single featuring rapper 1RSH4D, which you’ll hear at the end of this episode!


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Host: Mae

Twitter: @maebemaebe

Instagram: @maemariyam

Audio Editor Post: Kartik Kulkarni

Producer: Shaun Fanthome and Husein Haveliwala

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