On her first dangerous assignment as a government agent, Madison is sent to Haiti to retrieve lost anti-submarine plans. But Madison knows the assignment is really a cover story for her big birthday celebration! Madison accepts her Birthday Quest and travels deep into the Haitian jungle for the ultimate party. But obstacles stand in her way including a magazine photographer, a Haitian jungle guide, a folklore professor, a white plant man, and a boy in a leather flight jacket. And are those Vodou drums really for Madison’s party, or something else? Join us for Madison’s craziest birthday ever!



Written/Produced/Edited: Chrisi Talyn Saje
Original Music/Audio Engineering: Jeremy Saje

Madison Standish: Chrisi Talyn Saje

Virginia Collins: Bonnie Brantley

Lubo: Jerry Kokich

Professor Dalrymple: Scott R. McKinley

Bala: Steve Jun

Commissioner: Tom O'Connor

F. Carlson: Logan Smith

Tromblay: Jeremy Saje

Beshek: Scott Barry

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