Prayer is, at its most basic, straightforward simply talking to God. And just like any other conversation or relationship, it has different aspects.

We’re in part two of this series called Pray Like This… The disciples notice that prayer is a regular part of Jesus’ life. They saw prayer as a foundational practice to Jesus, so they came to him with a straightforward request: “Lord, teach us to pray.” Today we’re going to learn about a form of prayer called intercessory prayer.

Intercession is the act of intervening on behalf of one another. It is the practice of coming to God with other people’s or our communities needs. Intercessory prayer is asking God to make right what is currently not right. It’s asking him to bring Heaven to Earth. God is very committed to bringing his kingdom into the places, communities, situations, and people where his will still needs to be done.

God’s will is not yet fully realized on Earth. Everything that happens is not God’s will. Things that happen in this world are not God’s will. It’s not quite there yet. The Kingdom of God is both a now and a not yet. That’s we live in the tension of now and not yet. The theological term is “a realized eschatology.” Things at the end of the end become realized here in the present. We live in the tension of now.

We will discuss four steps to help us in intercessory prayer, which come from Pete Greig. The first one is this, get inspired. This is engaging with God’s Word. We pray the things God has said will be. Where do you start with that? You start with the Bible. You get inspired by that.

The second thing is after you’re inspired, you get informed. You start to investigate and engage with facts. (Facts are friends, people. Christians should be totally committed to facts.) We have to be more engaged with the issue or the person.

Third thing, get indignant. Engage with your heart. When we see God’s intended future being undermined right now in the present, whether that’s by an individual’s choices, whether it’s by societal and systemic issues, or whether that’s by the work of the enemy, it should raise something up in us. We are to be engaged with the problems more than just head knowledge; we’ve engaged with our hearts also.

The fourth step to intercessory prayer is to get in sync. There is a unique power in being united with so

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