Born and raised in Amherstburg, Ontario, Taylor's first introduction to social media was working for a few local radio stations. However, a career in marketing didn't really appeal to her, and instead, she spent three years studying accounting, believing it was best to pursue a career that would "make a lot of money." Realizing there was more to life, she followed her heart. She began pursuing opportunities in marketing that led her to land a job in Canada that allowed her to travel and teach about the power of social media in the US and Europe.

Pairing her passion for helping others and her social media knowledge, she built a business. A year and a half later, she has worked with businesses in Canada, the US and Europe, in over 25 different industries. Her goal is to amplify the voices of those who are trying to make a difference in their communities and across the planet. 

We talk about her transition from accounting to marketing, why she decided to create her own business, travelling the world teaching social media, representing brands authentically, valuing your services, overcoming imposter syndrome, and much more!