This week's episode is featuring Emma Yamamoto, founder of Emma's Accessories!

"My name is Emma Yamamoto and I am 17 years old and attend high school in Brampton, Ontario. I started my small business during one of the most challenging times of my life and despite any difficulties faced, I have been able to grow my business to what it is today. My idea for my small business started around April and I released my website at the start of June. Due to covid, I was temporarily laid off at my job working retail, school was all online, I was isolated and couldn't see my friends, no sporting events and everything was drastically changing. However, I took advantage of this time to be my own boss and make money from the comfort of my little bedroom. I want to show other people my age, younger and older that no matter the circumstances, you can truly do anything you put your mind to and encourage them to follow their passion. I have used my platform to also build a positive community of individuals who have helped me build my brand and also teach them more about entrepreneurship. 

In addition to my passion for entrepreneurship, I am also recognized in my community for my athletic abilities. Since a very young age, I have played hockey and softball at the highest level as well as multiple sports within my school. I have been awarded a total of three "Female Athlete of the Year" awards and continue to play these sports while running my business and focusing on my academics. I bring sports into this because it is a huge passion of mine that has taught me skills that I have translated into my business. For example, taking risks, hard work, leadership, communication, and time management. Being a full-time student, participating in multiple sports at a time (7 days a week) can be extremely challenging but I have developed great time management skills that allow me to achieve my dreams. Although I may be slightly different than most teens, in the end, I am still a regular 17-year-old who makes mistakes and is constantly learning. "

We talk about: 

- What inspired her to start her business at the age of 17
-  How she learned to make her own jewelry
- Using her platform to reach more people for important initiatives 
- A key element that has helped her business grow rapidly that many don’t realize 
- How it doesn't take money to make money
- Learning the behind the scenes of running her business
- Raising $1,500 for BLM with her business initiative 
And more!