This special edition episode brought to you in partnership with EPICentre's Venture Women Progam is featuring Erika Pozzuoli, founder of Pure Mentality, and Carla Bragança, founder of Bazar Brazil.

Erika Pozzuoli is a Certified Aromatherapist, registered social worker and mental health worker. She is the owner of Pure Mentality, Mental Wellness Boutique, offering one of a kind services and products that promote mental wellness and self-care.

Carla Bragança is an industrial engineer with more than 15 years of experience in the automotive industry. She is also business and project management certified. After maternity, this busy life wasn't fitting her lifestyle anymore and she decided to take control of her own future. In 2020 she started an Academia career and also founded with her husband Bazar Brazil, which is an online business that sells Brazilian products. Bazar Brazil has as purpose to offer Brazilians and lovers of Brazil the most renowned brands and products with unique flavours from their beloved country. The goal of her business is to unite and strengthen the Brazilian community by disclosing their culture and traditions in the Windsor-Essex region, besides inspiring other communities to discover a whole new world of unique flavors.

We talk about:
- Where the idea for their own business came from
- What made them apply to Venture Women Program 
- Fears they had to overcome with starting their businesses
- The importance of self-care as a business owner and time-management tips
- The loneliness of entrepreneurship & finding your community 
And more!


My Pure Mentality

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Bazar Brazil 

Instagram & Facebook

EPICentre Venture Women Program