I have officially teamed up with RISE Windsor-Essex to bring to you stories of Windsor-Essex’s very own female entrepreneurs! Every Thursday, tune-in as I feature a new women in business in our area!

Today I welcomed Susan Anzolin, Sabrina DeMarco and Nicole Anderson from the Windsor Essex Economic Development Corporation to talk about how they are supporting women through the Women Entrepreneurship Strategy. Learn about how RISE Windsor-Essex was developed and listen to the tremendous resources that our region has to offer to support female entrepreneurs.

RISE Windsor-Essex is a network of organizations that are empowering women in entrepreneurship and women in STEM. Hear about how the Women Entrepreneurship Strategy started at WEEDC, what the tie is to the Small Business Centre, why RISE Windsor-Essex was created, what sectors are most under-represented by women, how the Small Business Centre is supporting female entrepreneurs, challenges for female entrepreneurs amidst COVID-19, how to become involved with RISE Windsor-Essex, why there is such a large gap in women entrepreneurs in the Windsor-Essex area, and much more!