With our guest Joris van Slageren, Professor at the Institute of Physical Chemistry at the University of Stuttgart, we talk about the current research project "Chem4Quant" - on the impact of research in chemistry on quantum science. But we also talk about diversity in teaching, what science fiction has to do with science, and we also get an unusual book recommendation from Prof. von Slageren. Worth listening to!

Made in Science - The official podcast of the University of Stuttgart

With our guest Joris van Slageren, Professor at the Institute of Physical Chemistry at the University of Stuttgart, we talk about the current research project "Chem4Quant" - on the impact of research in chemistry on quantum science. But we also talk about diversity in teaching, what science fiction has to do with science, and we also get an unusual book recommendation from Prof. von Slageren. Worth listening to!
Find out more: https://www.ipc.uni-stuttgart.de/slageren/