Next Episode: "D" is for Drive

Is it possible that all those 'meaningless' and 'random' jobs can be preparing you for the thing you're made for?

During the first half of the conversation, Tara brought us through much of her journey to becoming a the owner of a cafe in small town, Ontario. From dropping out of her first college degree, to working hard through culinary school, and working in that field until a mentor suggested she’s made for something slightly different.

Her story is a hugely relatable tale of bumps and twists and questions and misses and failure and moving toward an unknown future on a hunch that this feels right.

On this second half of this conversation, Tara brings us in even more to the all too familiar journey of what it takes to do what you’re made for and begin living your dream.

What I love most of all is Tara’s confidence that what she is made for is to build community, then with her skills and passions she puts that together in the form of a cafe. Come with us as we go through Tara’s story of searching for the right place and time to build that community.

The conclusion of my conversation with Cafe Owner, and chef-by-trade, Tara Warriner. 

During the first half of the conversation, Tara brought us through much of her journey to becoming a the owner of a cafe in small town, Ontario. From dropping out of her first college degree, to working hard through culinary school, and working in that field until a mentor suggested she’s made for something slightly different. 

Her story is a hugely relatable tale of bumps and twists and questions and misses and failure and moving toward an unknown future on a hunch that this feels right.   

On this second half of this conversation, Tara brings us in even more to the all too familiar journey of what it takes to do what you’re made for and begin living your dream. 

What I love most of all is Tara’s confidence that what she is made for is to build community, then with her skills and passions she puts that together in the form of a cafe. Come with us as we go through Tara’s story of searching for the right place and time to build that community. 

Here’s the conclusion of our conversation. 

Episode Highlights:

“I was so sure that this was the right move even though from anybody else’s standard, that it was a step back.” 3 mins

“Its counter-cultural to depend upon somebody else.” 9 mins

 “We were meant to live in community.” 10 mins

“I experienced such loneliness when I first moved back.” 14 mins

“All of those experiences really built in to where I’m at right now.” 15 mins

“When you know that you’re done with something it can be very hard to give it an extended period of time.” 20 mins

 “All of a sudden, I was gonna be in business.” 23 mins

“If there’s no fear, there’s something wrong.” 25 mins

“Those desires that have been placed in your heart are there for a reason.” 31 mins

FIND TARA HERE:Instagram: @lighthousecafe_maFacebook: lighthousecafema