Previous Episode: Saying 'No' Is Liberating
Next Episode: Telling The Truth

Is there a right time to invest and start the business you’ve been dreaming about?

Can you be an entrepreneur and raise kids at the same time…and do both well?

And how do you break into a market with a different demographic than you’re used to?

Karen Street, she has been making beautiful things since she was a kid and has now figured out how to turn her passion into a growing business. Karen is the Owner and Founder of Karen Street Longarm Quilting and wants to see this niche business thrive.

Karen is unique in her position as a guest on this show. She’s not the only family member I’ve had on the show, though she the only guest to actually be married to me, but she is the only guest, in fact she’s the only person I know that is paid to quilt! To me, and maybe to you, quilting is an old woman’s thing to do, but Karen has taken this skill, taught to her by her mom, and is building a successful business within that classic quilter’s demographic. And she’s doing it all while raising three of my favourite humans on the planet.

In our conversation today, Karen not only brings us into a wholly relatable story of learning a craft and craftiness as a child, then wanting to do something with those skills as an adult. But she helps us understand the niche world of quilting, what it is exactly that she does to make money, and how she built her business as a stay-at-home mom. God I love this woman.

If you are feeling like there aren’t enough hours in the day to get started, or you’re struggling with patience and want your idea to be successful right now, or you’re looking for the permission to turn your childhood passion into a business, Karen is here to help inspire you to action.

Karen Street is the Owner of Karen Street Longarm Quilting, a niche business thriving in a niche market, she’s one of a kind!



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Is there a right time to invest and start the business you’ve been dreaming about?

Can you be an entrepreneur and raise kids at the same time…and do both well?

And how do you break into a market with a different demographic than you’re used to?

- Her Work -

Karen Street, she has been making beautiful things since she was a kid and has now figured out how to turn her passion into a growing business. Karen is the Owner and Founder of Karen Street Longarm Quilting and wants to see this niche business thrive.

- Her Story -

Karen is unique in her position as a guest on this show. She’s not the only family member I’ve had on the show, though she the only guest to actually be married to me, but she is the only guest, in fact she’s the only person I know that is paid to quilt! To me, and maybe to you, quilting is an old woman’s thing to do, but Karen has taken this skill, taught to her by her mom, and is building a successful business within that classic quilter’s demographic. And she’s doing it all while raising three of my favourite humans on the planet.

- Episode Summary -

In our conversation today, Karen not only brings us into a wholly relatable story of learning a craft and craftiness as a child, then wanting to do something with those skills as an adult. But she helps us understand the niche world of quilting, what it is exactly that she does to make money, and how she built her business as a stay-at-home mom. God I love this woman.

-Why You’ll Care-

If you are feeling like there aren’t enough hours in the day to get started, or you’re struggling with patience and want your idea to be successful right now, or you’re looking for the permission to turn your childhood passion into a business, Karen is here to help inspire you to action.

-Links we talked about-

Instagram: @QuiltyStreet