Jordan is the president of Youth One, an organization in Lethbridge, Alberta helping Youth find a place to belong and be loved. He had a dream for a long time, and is now in the place of seeing his dream become reality before his very eyes! He shares the story of discovering what he’s most passionate about, developing a dream idea, and pulling other people in with him to the wild adventure of building YouthOne into a sustainable non-profit youth organization. If you have a dream to do something that simply doesn’t seem reachable at this point, listening to Jordan’s story might just give you the kickstart you need to get going and do what you’re made to do.



Jordan is the president of Youth One, an organization in Lethbridge Alberta helping Youth find a place to belong and be loved.

He had this dream for a long time, and is now in the place of seeing his dream become reality before his very eyes! He shares the story of discovering what he’s most passionate about, developing a dream idea, and pulling other people in with him to the wild adventure of building YouthOne into a sustainable non-profit youth organization.  

“We had to leap for people to realize we were serious about this”

If you have a dream to do something that simply doesn’t seem reachable at this point, listening to Jordan’s story might just give you the kickstart you need to get going and do what you’re made to do.