Today's episode is all about today. This moment carries an importance to it, a weight that we cannot ignore. How is it that we tell stories of summarizing the last 10 years in one sentence but can also talk about a single event for hours. Why do some moments fly by and others slow right down? What if it was possible to live in such a way that all of life slowed down so we could embrace the moment we are in.


 This moment is enough.

You are made for this moment.

We long to be present in each moment because we are made in the image of the God of the here and now, the "I AM".

Today's episode is all about today.

This moment carries an importance to it, a weight that we cannot ignore. How is it that we tell stories of summarizing the last 10 years in one sentence but can also talk about a single event for hours. Why do some moments fly by and others slow right down? What if it was possible to live in such a way that all of life slowed down so we could embrace the moment we are in.