I used to think that by 36, I would be more than settled and secure in who I am, and what I’m doing in this world. But now I’m learning, that this is only the beginning of a new chapter on an ever-changing and growing story.

This is a story of growing up. But not growing old. Or maybe it’s the other way around, I’m not sure.

See, I’ve been fighting this idea of growing up for years - I’m Peter Pan, ya know. Never grow up. No matter how old I get, I’ll always live with an imagination and wonder and joy like that of a child. And I think that’s possible, but unlike Peter Pan, I don’t want to stay in Neverland. I want to get older as well. Getting older is one of the great gifts of this life, so don’t fight that.

So yes, I’m growing old, and I’m going to enjoy it. I’m going to enjoy the ride while its here. I’m going to learn and change and reflect, and the truth of it all is that I will also grow up. Otherwise, I’m just getting old and staying in the same mindset as before - and that’s no good to anyone either.

So this, then is a story of growing up and growing old.

Are you fighting one of those?

Are you fighting against the idea of a higher number to your age? Or more responsibility? Or less opportunity to play?

I invite you today, to stop fighting it. Step into the next chapter, whatever that is. As soon as you do, that’s when the ride really begins.

I’m 36 and it’s as good a time as any to share what I’ve been learning about time, age, growth, and process.




I used to think that by 36, I would be more than settled and secure in who I am, and what I’m doing in this world. But now I’m learning, that this is only the beginning of a new chapter on an ever-changing and growing story.

This is a story of growing up. But not growing old. Or maybe it’s the other way around, I’m not sure.

See, I’ve been fighting this idea of growing up for years - I’m Peter Pan, ya know. Never grow up. No matter how old I get, I’ll always live with an imagination and wonder and joy like that of a child. And I think that’s possible, but unlike Peter Pan, I don’t want to stay in Neverland. I want to get older as well. Getting older is one of the great gifts of this life, so don’t fight that.

So yes, I’m growing old, and I’m going to enjoy it. I’m going to enjoy the ride while its here. I’m going to learn and change and reflect, and the truth of it all is that I will also grow up. Otherwise, I’m just getting old and staying in the same mindset as before - and that’s no good to anyone either.

So this, then is a story of growing up and growing old.

Are you fighting one of those?

Are you fighting against the idea of a higher number to your age? Or more responsibility? Or less opportunity to play?

I invite you today, to stop fighting it. Step into the next chapter, whatever that is. As soon as you do, that’s when the ride really begins.