I’ve been working on Gen Z Matters (.com) for many months, and finally feel ready to send it out into the world and help as many people as possible with this mission.

On THIS episode of the Made For This podcast,

I’m going to bring you into the process of starting something new; the Why, the What, and the How.

The Why, the What, and the How of starting something new!




Today on this Made For More episode I’m talking about a NEW THING

Yesterday I launched a new podcast - the Gen Z Matters podcast - all about helping managers and influencers understanding and unlock the potential of the next generation.

I’ve been working on this for many months, and finally feel ready to send it out into the world and help as many people as possible with this mission.

On THIS episode of the Made For This podcast,

I’m going to bring you into the process of starting something new; the Why, the What, and the How.

After listening, go on over to GenZMatters.com, and find the podcast on itunes so you can download, rate, and review. Thanks!