Episode 21 is all about Finding Your Tribe. You need people around you, you can’t do this alone, it is not good for you to be alone. And the good news is, there are people that want to be a part of your journey. they want to encourage you and challenge you, and help you discover and do what you’re made for.


 “Even though it’s just me on stage, people are with me.” 

In this episode we try something new. My friend, and new co-host, Ben Bartosik sits across the table from me and guides a conversation. This is going to be the norm here for season 2, the in-between interview episodes are going to be Ben and Myself discussing a different theme about the Made For This journey, specifically around the idea of community. 

Episode 1 is all about Finding Your Tribe. 

You need people around you, you can’t do this alone, it is not good for you to be alone. And the good news is, there are people that want to be  a part of your journey. they want to encourage you and challenge you, and help you discover and do what you’re made for. 

Ben throws some questions my way that force me to get honest and open about my story so far. We talk about the benefits and joys of having a tribe go through this with you. You're gonna love it!