Zomboy's debut album 'The Outbreak' is out today on Never Say Die records, and to celebrate we're releasing our interview with Zomboy and Cookie Monsta, recorded during the DC stop of the Monster Energy Outbreak Tour. Conducting this interview are Dan Bloom, David Ross & Ryan Martinez.

See pics of this interview here: http://fb.com/media/set/?set=a.829037447107032.1073741837.480992091911571 and here: http://imgur.com/a/0sWYD
...and enjoy this gif: http://gifmaker.cc/PlayGIFAnimation.php?folder=20140807134Utw1gQ8Nnx3WUvmCJaPSL&file=output_oK9tad.gif
Photo credit: Davon Bryant

More information here: http://zomboyofficial.com and http://wewillneversaydie.com

@zomboy | @cookiemonstatc
http://twitter.com/zomboy | http://twitter.com/cookiemonstadub

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