Dan & David speak with drummer Jeremy Salken (http://twitter.com/jewunit) ahead of Big Gigantic's October 26th performance at Baltimore's Ram's Head Live. Hear new music from the Boulder-based duo and conversation about their Red Rocks-based festival 'Rowdytown' (video: http://vimeo.com/76547872), their upcoming album, and their jetsetting summer festival schedule.

Big Gigantic (http://twitter.com/biggigantic) is Jeremy Salken and Dominic Lalli (http://twitter.com/dominiclalli). They play Baltimore's Ram's Head Live (http://twitter.com/ramsheadlive) on Saturday, October 26th. Click this link for tickets: http://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/event/352511

For more information, including a full list of tour dates, visit http://BigGigantic.net.

Big Gigantic on soundcloud: @biggigantic

Dan: http://twitter.com/danbl00m
David: http://twitter.com/dross706

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