Welcome back to another special episode of the Madam Athlete podcast! On the second Tuesday of the month, I take a deep dive into a career-related topic, and on today’s episode I’m talking all about how you can define success for yourself and why it's so important.

Here's the thing...

Most of us get our definitions of success from others. From society, from external expectations, from history, from a patriarchal white male, cis-gendered, hetero, ableist prism.

But what if you defined success for yourself?
Based off your own unique values, your own unique mission & vision, and your own unique goals?
What would that look like?

Listen to today's episode where I shine a light on how to define success for yourself, why it's important, how it ties into getting after your goals, and share some personal examples.

You can find the show notes and more resources at https://madamathlete.com

And if you're interested in setting some new goals for yourself, click here to sign up for my free mini-course and challenge on how to set effective goals.

Keep an eye out for new content or let us know what you'd like to see next by following us on social:
Instagram:  @theMadamAthlete
Facebook:  @MadamAthlete
Twitter:  @MadamAthlete

You can find the show notes and more resources at https://madamathlete.com

Keep an eye out for new content or let us know what you'd like to see next by following us on social:
Instagram: @theMadamAthlete
Facebook: @MadamAthlete
Twitter: @MadamAthlete

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