FRIENDS! AI came up with that title and it is hard not what I would have chosen for myself 🤣

*Alternative title (human generated): Taking the Time to Learn New Skills or Giselle F*s around with AI

AI generated episode description with [my comments] thrown in all over the place because, again, WTF AI?:

Ever wondered how AI is revolutionizing the podcasting landscape and professional sports? You're about to find out. [I mean, you're not. I talk about how we need to take time to learn new skills in our careers to make sure we're still developing and not staying stagnant. I talk abut how hard it is to overcome the inertia of doing things the same way you've always been doing things.] Join us as we share our personal experiences of how AI is impacting our podcasting business, from generating captions to crafting engaging content. If you've ever felt resistance in breaking away from established systems and processes, we’ll walk you through the importance of harnessing a growth mindset to embrace novel ideas. We even delve into the creation of a dot phrase, revealing how a little upfront effort can save you time in the long run. [Rest of this is true, and oh, Epic, what fun!]

Our conversations move from the world of podcasting to the arena of professional sports, as we reflect on how being open to new methodologies can be a game-changer. Remember that strength and conditioning coach who introduced blood flow restriction training 11 years ago? [Haha, yeah, do you remember that guy?? Probably not if you didn't work with me, but I do talk about how we integrate new knowledge and skills and the work settings that might make that easier or harder.] We discuss how such unconventional strategies can revolutionize athletes' performance. [Eh, not so much.] We also debate on the philosophical implications of AI and its potential to be the next big thing in knowledge enhancement and skill acquisition. [I mean I specifically said I didn't want to get the philosophical debate, but yes, I did talk about AI as potentially being the next evolution in knowledge enhancement.]

And that's not all! We also explore how AI can support women in sports and athletics, its usage in social media, and the challenges and excitement of using AI for generating podcast content. Ever thought of using a chatbot to come up with an engaging podcast episode title, intro music, or show notes? We did just that! [And I might be regretting it!] Listen in as we embark on our intriguing journey, allowing AI to create our podcast title [again, see regrets], show notes, and social media posts. Our discussions seek to inspire you to break away from inertia, embrace change, and upgrade your skills to soar in this AI-dominated era.

You can find the show notes and more resources at

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