NaNoWriMo is the bane and simultaneously the hope of many a writer. Every November, millions of people get together to write 50.000 words. Our intrepid Mad Writers have entirely varying experiences with this yearly event.

Jay has broken up with NaNoWriMo because while she always gets the trophy, it usually comes with completely unusable prose that she doesn't even consider worth editing. Nina on the other hand has very positive experiences with NaNoWriMo in that it is largely based on gamifying the writing of thousands of words and Nina is nothing if not a sucker for gamification. Tim, for his part, is somewhere in the middle, preferring the community over the gamification. They discuss what they each get out of NaNoWriMo (or don't, in the case of Jay), how to approach it so that you'll have the greatest chance of winning as well as making sure to emphasize not sending your newly finished NaNoWriMo story out to agents and editors.

Recommended reading

Tim's recommendation: Borderline (The Arcadia Project) by Mishell Baker

Jay's recommendation: The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss

Nina's recommendation: Feedback (Newsflesh) by Mira Grant

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Intro and outro music comes from “Cephalopod” by Kevin MacLeod (; licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0