Kill Technology - Gene Genocide

The GM industry has developed what is termed, "terminator technology," and has already utilized gene silencing techniques to manipulate certain gene expressions from occurring in transgenic crops, and intend the same for the bee population which is currently in a state of crisis due to colony collapse disorder brought on by what is believed the excessive use of pesticides required for farmers to control Super Weeds in genetically modified crops. The industry now plans to implement this kill technology in a variety of ways, including the eradication of insect species and certain rodents. Experts in the biotech field have warned about GM wheat currently in development, saying it could potentially silence human genes if ingested and result in both premature death and future generations inheriting this critical defect. The implications and ethical issues involving this technology are profoundly frightening and potentially catastrophic to our delicate ecosystem, the future of human health and our evolutionary process. What is the natural progression of this technology if fully implemented? Instead of preserving plant, animal and insect species, will we now terminate those which are inconvenient to our motivations? Could we be headed for a culture as in 'GATTACA' where eugenics in human life is standard and accepted practice? The possibility is not as science fiction as it sounds.