Previous Episode: Paramus, New Jersey
Next Episode: Chicago, Illinois

Well, would you get a load of this: It’s my third blog post in three weeks. Who’s better at this blogging thing than Clinton Kelly? Well, just about every other blogger out there, but that’s beside the point. Hee hee!
The Make Over America show in Chicago went beautifully. I was really happy to be there [...]

Well, would you get a load of this: It’s my third blog post in three weeks. Who’s better at this blogging thing than Clinton Kelly? Well, just about every other blogger out there, but that’s beside the point. Hee hee!

The Make Over America show in Chicago went beautifully. I was really happy to be there because Chicago is one of my favorite cities in the country, maybe even the entire world. I went to grad school at Northwestern, so I’m always happy to come back to a city that offers such great art, architecture, theater, food and, of course, incredible people.

Once again it was my privilege to work with 15 women who had really fantastic attitudes’even though it was an incredibly long day at the Macy’s on State Street store. That store is gigantic! Seriously, it’s humongous. Because of that, during the styling process, if somebody’s pants didn’t fit it would take me 20 minutes to get to the other side of the store and find the correct size. In fact, we were there so late that we closed the store down. I was putting the finishing touches on my last three ladies in the dressing room when the lights went off. Oh, and I lost two pounds from all that running. Good times.

The show itself was super-high energy. I couldn’t believe how many of thewomen were complete and total hams. There was Karen, who rocked the runway like I’ve never seen a model rock the runway. It was sort of like a stand-up comedienne doing Fashion Week. And then there was Latricia, the preacher’s wife, who evidently was a supermodel before she married a man of the cloth. So it was a really memorable show with a great audience. I also think it was the longest autograph line for book signing that we’ve had yet. I must have talked to half of Chicago that day, and I loved every second of it.

As I write this, I’m in St. Louis for What Not to Wear, soon to jet off to Scottsdale for the next Make Over America event. I’ve got my fingers crossed for some of that sunny Arizona weather. Thanks for dropping by!

ps: If you’re in the neighborhood, stop on by the show. We’ll be at Macy’s Fashion Square in Scottsdale at 2pm, Sunday, October 17th. You can also watch it live (just remember it’s 2pm local time) at