MEP EP#333: Cody's Corner - Q2 2022

Cody Endlich

10 years experience in electronic component distribution and commodities trade
Currently the head of strategic sourcing at Macrofab
Last seen on episode 318 to discuss Strategic Component Sourcing and MacroFab joining the ERAI

What we saw in Quarter 2 2022

Russia's invasion of Ukraine

Ukraine and Neon gas
Neon gas is used in semiconductor production for running the lasers required for the lithography

Lockdown hits Shenzhen as Covid Infections Increase

Components that come out of China directly effected
Raw material shortages causing ripple effects in other countries manufacturing

New Earthquakes hit Japan and Taiwan

Magnitude 7.3 earthquake occurred off the coast of Fukushima, Japan on the evening of March 16
Renesas and Murata operate factories close to the epicenter
Took 3 days to reestablish production

A Logistical Headache

biggest problem for MLCC suppliers at this stage is they cannot deliver materials to Shanghai and Kunshan

Magic 8-Ball

Cody thinks there will be a loosing of supply chain due to the impeding recession
Parker see's the industry streamlining catalogs of components similar to 2018 Ceramic Capacitor shortage