MEP EP#255: Fifth Annual MacroFab Star Wars Christmas Special - Neo Jedi

SPACE TRASH in Star Wars

Recently ESA commissioned the world’s first space debris removal

ClearSpace-1 which will launch in 2025

Would space trash be a concern for the galaxy far far away?
I don’t think the Empire cares all too much about space garbage since they just jettison everything before jumping to hyperspace as seen in Empires Strikes Back.
If it was merely a case of if space was just big enough that dumping trash didn't matter then this wouldn't be a problem. The universe is “infinite” thus infinite space for GARBAGE!

Maybe space trash ends up collecting into large space planets of trash like the floating trash islands on Earth’s oceans.

In the legends or non canon StarWars literature you have the Squibs

The imperials provided Squib salvage vessels with the locations of Imperial dumpsites so it can be collected

Traveling through the planets CORE

Boss Nass sends our heroes through the core of Naboo as it is the fastest way to get to the other side of the planet with the Trade Federation on the surface
Could there be a water filled tunnel through the core of a planet to facilitate faster travel? Better call Elon and the Boring Company
Limit on the depth of a liquid water ocean?

Phase change diagram of water
Liquid water transforms to solid ice around 92000 psi
At a depth of 1200 miles the weight of the water would turn the water into solid ice given the specifications of an Earth size planet. Deepest point on Earth is 6.8 miles so James Cameron has a bit of ways to go
Naboo has a radius of 7456 miles so water would pressure solid if Naboo was a “water core” world


Star wars and the matrix are the same universe

Perhaps a different version of matrix

In the matrix revolutions and the matrix reloaded
6 different versions of the matrix before they landed on 1999

Faster than light travel
Fundamental forces different
The force is a glitch?

Ancient religion - this was a method of understanding
People could openly demonstrate their “force” because it had a religious aspect to it.


Neo exhibits all of the same characteristics of a jedi

Amban phase-pulse blaster

Jawa gets vaporized
Three gigajoules of death-ray to entirely vaporize a person
Jawa specifications